Accommodation offers
Accommodation offers
At Continental you have a choice between several accommodation offers in Drobeta Turnu Severin. If you book directly with us you benefit from a 20% discount compared to any other booking site. To extend our hotel deals, you can use your holiday vouchers to pay for your stay. Our hotel offer also includes special accommodation packages for students and seniors.
Seniors accommodation offer
Special accommodation rates for seniors who travel in Drobeta. Book now and get 25% discount!
Student rates
Are you a student travelling to Drobeta Turnu Severin? Come to us and get 25% discount!
Private Events
Private Events
We are besides you in the most important moments of your life and we will make sure that your private event will be a huge success. Hotel Continental Drobeta Turnu Serverin has several offers for private events such as wedding offers, baptism offers or anniversary party offers.
Restaurant Offers
Restaurant Offers
If you are looking for the best restaurant offers in Drobeta Turnu Severin, then Hotel Continental is the right choice. Inside our 3-star hotel you will find one of the best restaurants in Drobeta Turnu Severin.